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A.T. Tip of the Week

Provided by the Massachusetts Assistive Technology Act Program (MassMATCH)

January 7th, 2014
Read&Write Gold 11 for PC

TextHELP's powerful literacy software is a customizable toolbar that provides access to assistive technologies -- including text-to-speech with dual-color highlighting -- to help persons with print disabilities read and write more effectively. The toolbar sits atop the screen and is accessible through all Windows applications and the Web.

The latest version includes improvements to know about, including:
  • a wider variety of reading voices support for Google Docs, Chrome, and Firefox,
  • two new toolbar items: Voice Note and Word Cloud,
  • and enhancements to its Word Prediction and Phonetic Spell Checker features.

Learn more from AT guru Andrew Leibs at this About.com article.

Reminder: MassMATCH makes no endorsement, representation, or warranty expressed or implied for any product, device, or information set forth in this email or on its Web site. MassMATCH has not examined, reviewed, or tested any product or device referred to.

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