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Borrow/Acquire Equipment

Massachusetts has a range of small to mid-sized programs serving persons with disabilities and seniors who need access to affordable assistive technology and durable medical equipment. Short-term device loan programs allow individuals to "test drive" assistive technology (AT) before deciding what to buy; they are also helpful for assessment, meeting temporary needs and for training purposes. Long-term device loans allow borrowers to use equipment for as long as it is needed. Additional programs provide reuse services; they receive and clean donated equipment (usually durable medical equipment such as wheelchairs) and find them new homes. Sometimes repair services are also provided.

See, Touch, and Try. Assistive Technology Regional Centers. Easter Seals Disability Services. Requipment logo: Choose to reuse your D M E UCP United Cerebral Palsy. Life without limits for people with disabilities. Get A T Stuff. Assistive Technology Exchange in Massachusetts. Shows recycling arrows around state outline. A T School Share

MassMATCH Device Loan and Reuse Programs

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Other Loan/Reuse Programs

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Long-Term Device Loan Program for Low-Cost Devices

MassMATCH has partnered with Easter Seals-MA to provide devices valued less than $500 to income-eligible people with disabilities. Applicants who demonstrate financial need are provided the low-cost devices they need for as long as they need them. The program is available to residents of Massachusetts with a disability and family members who are applying on behalf of their relative with a disability.

To learn more or fill out an application contact:

Leonidas Tonevski
Easter Seals Massachusetts
(800) 244-2756 ex 431

ALS Association of Massachusetts

Free loaner durable medical equipment (DME), such as wheelchairs, may be available to those with ALS.

ALS Association Massachusetts website

Boston Center for Independent Living Durable Medical Equipment Reuse Program

The Boston Center for Independent Living (BCIL) picks up unwanted wheeled mobility equipment and other durable medical equipment in the greater Boston area. BCIL inspects and provides minor refurbishment (such as new batteries and tires and some repairs). Refurbished devices are posted as available on and delivered within BCIL's service area.

Contact: Tom Perry
60 Temple Place, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02111-1324
Voice: 617-338-6665
Fax: 617-338-6661
TTY: 617-338-6662
Toll Free: 866-338-8085

The Boston Home

The Boston Home (TBH) accepts donation of used wheeled mobility and other durable medical equipment for REquipment. It also offers B.Mobile! Mobility Enhancement Center in Boston. TBH will provide evaluation, adjustment and modifications to mobility equipment. Makes repairs on a fee-for-service basis and works with Mass Health durable medical equipment vendors.

Contact: Don Fredett

617-825-3905 x278

Central Massachusetts Hearing Aid Loaner Bank

The Hearing Aid Loaner Bank loans hearing aids to adult and elderly residents of central Massachusetts who are not covered by public or private health insurance. There is a $60 fee (after audiological evaluation and report). They will provide a one year hearing aid loan with a reevaluation at the end of the one year period. They ask that patients take that year to investigate other loan possibilities.

Tina Coderre
Peak Rehabilitation Group
Audiology Department
15 Belmont Street
Worcester, MA 01605-2650
508-792-8700 Voice
508-792-8727 TTY
508-792-8722, 8723 Fax

Councils on Aging

Many Councils on Aging keep a small loan closet with DME items. Find your local Council On Aging.


Community of buyers and sellers of all kinds of items, some of which are free. See Beauty & Health section at Boston Craigslist.

Dept. of Developmental Services Adaptive Technology Centers

The Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS) provides services to adults 18 years of age or older who have intellectual disabilities, and children under 18 years of age with a developmental disability. AT services provided by the Department range from assessments and evaluations to demonstration, design, fabrication, modification, and repair of equipment and devices. Services address mobility, environmental, vocational, leisure and communication needs. Equipment loan is available. Referrals to an Adaptive Technology Center are necessary through an individual's Department of Developmental Services service coordinator.

Western Massachusetts:

Commonwealth Community Services
Assistive Technology Center
195 Industrial Drive
Northampton, MA 01060
413-585-0881 FAX
413-585-8922 TTY

Northeastern Massachusetts:

Kelley Assistive Technology Resource Center
Contact: Tom Mercier, Director AT Center
Hogan Regional Center
P.O. Box A
450 Maple Street
Hathorne, MA 01937
978-774-5000 x 505
978-739-0422 FAX

Southeast Massachusetts:

Assistive Technology Resource Center
Contact: Sandy Weiner
Wrentham Development Center
P.O. Box 144
Emerald Street
Wrentham, MA 02093
508-3116 x 2434
508-384-5612 FAX

Central Massachusetts:

Worcester Assistive Technology Center
Contact: Joanne Wax
34 Clark St.
Worcester, MA 01605


Freecycle is a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns, including assistive technology. Each local group is moderated by a local volunteer. Membership is free. Go to Freecycle to learn more.

Helping Hand Equipment Loan Program

Ayers Handicap Conversion Center in North Quincy houses and manages an equipment loan program for durable medical equipment (DME). Donated durable medical equipment (wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, canes, special bathroom equipment and other ambulatory healthcare aids) are available for loan for up to 3 months to residents of Quincy and the South Shore (Scituate, Hanover, Pembroke, Hull, Hingham, Norwell, Marshfield and Cohasset). Helping Hand is free thanks to the generosity of people who have donated the equipment they no longer need.

440B E Squantum St # 10
Quincy, MA 02171
617-328-0102 VOICE
617-328-7566 FAX
Directions to Helping Hand

Hospital Equipment Loan Program (HELP)

H.E.L.P. is a program of the Freemasons and located in Woburn and Wilmington. Durable medical equipment is available to borrow free of charge for home use only. You do not have to be a Freemason to borrow equipment. Equipment for loan includes items such as canes, commodes, tub seats, walkers, wheelchairs, transfer benches, hospital beds, and a Hoya lift. There is also a wheelchair ramp program through the Wilmington Friendship Lodge that installs ramps at private homes for no charge (based on availability and not limited to Wilmington residents). The ramps are donated by homeowners who no longer need them.

Friendship Lodge at 32 Church Street, Wilmington, MA

Brian King
978-658-4391 or
Bernie Nally

500 West Cumming Park, Suite 1150, Woburn, MA
9am-12:00 noon on Saturdays

Brother Geoff Bemiss

Massachusetts Hospital School

The Mass Hospital School has a rehabilitation technology center that conducts
evaluations, designs, customizes and repairs wheeled mobility for residents of the
MHS in Canton, MA and surrounding community and REquipment.
MHS accepts donations and refurbishes unwanted wheeled mobility and other DME.
Repairs are provided MHS residents only.

Gary Rabideau, Director of Rehab Engineering

Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Equipment Loan Program

The MDA provides recycled wheelchairs and other durable medical equipment (DME) in good condition for long term loan. Individuals requesting equipment must have a prescription for the DME due to a neuromuscular disease. Should the equipment no longer be needed, individuals or their families are encouraged to return it to MDA for use by others. Through its local chapters and field offices, MDA accepts durable medical equipment for distribution through the Association's loan program. Find your local MDA chapter at

Jennifer Gelinos
MDA Health Care Services Coordinator


Pass It On, Inc.

Pass It On provides free recycled durable medical equipment and assistive technology to children with disabilities up to the age of 22 and their families. Their service area is within the 495 belt and South coast area. They accept pediatric equipment donations. Operates Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

P.O. Box 2120
Mashpee, MA 02649

Patty Walsh-Cassidy Assistive Technology Lending Library

The Patty Walsh-Cassidy Lending Library provides hardware, software, apps, and devices for short-term loan. Housed at the CCATT Center at the Collaborative for Educational Services in Northampton, the library offers users the ability to explore for themselves the range of available assistive technology resources and determine which best match their needs before committing to purchase. It helps open the door to possibility, and enable students with disabilities to reach their goals.

CCATT Center
228 Pleasant Street
Northampton, MA 01060
413-584-1664 x108 Phone
413-584-8592 Fax

Scituate Etrusco Associates

Scituate Etrusco Associates loans a wide range of medical and nursing equipment for home use to residents of Scituate, Cohasset, Hanover, Hingham, Hull, Marshfield, Norwell, Duxbury, Pembroke and Kingston. Accepts donations of hospital beds, but not power wheelchairs. Open Monday thru Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

1 Common Street
Scituate, MA 02066
Contact: (781) 545-4411

Stavros Center for Independent Living Durable Medical Equipment Reuse Program

Stavros Center for Independent Living picks up unwanted wheeled mobility items (and other DME) in Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin counties and provides simple refurbishment (such as replaces batteries or tires). Devices are posted on and delivered to recipients within their 3 counties (but individuals from anywhere in Massachusetts are eligible to come collect equipment). Stavros also hosts a Wheeled Mobility Clinic once per quarter in Amherst to provide expert seating and positioning evaluations, adjustments, and sometimes fabrication services to DME users who are not clients of the Department of Developmental Services (DDS). This is a project offered in partnership with the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission and DDS.

210 Old Farm Road
Amherst, Ma 01002

Contact: Tom Filiault
413-537-0322 or 413-256 0473

UCP Berkshire County Durable Medical Equipment Loan Program

UCP Berkshire loans DME at no cost; wheelchairs, walkers, scooters, portable (temporary) ramps, canes, tub seats and other mobility devices are often available. Repair services are not provided and equipment transportation is limited. UCP maintains its own list of what is available. It also installs safety flags on wheelchairs or scooters.

208 West Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201

Contact: Jenn Ressler
413-442-1562 Phone/TTY
Fax: 413-499-4077

Wheelchair Recycler, Inc.

David Heim refurbishes and distributes pre-owned power wheelchairs and electric scooters at very low cost to people without health insurance or people who do not qualify for equipment. He will also pick up donated chairs and scooters and offers parts and a repair service.

60 Carver Hill Road
Marlborough, MA 01752

Yvie's Closet

Yvie's Closet provides a range of donated durable medical equipment for children in
Southern New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Delivery is available for a small fee.

Contact: Karen Livernois,